It’s been at least 2 -3 years since you last heard from me via this blog. Maybe you follow me on Instagram or we are Facebook friends. Perhaps you have taken an interest in my Pinterest. NEVERTHELESS I’m back.

I’m committed to you as a follower to share what I think, feel, and desire with regards to style and clothing. I will even venture into other areas of interest as I see fit. Rest assured there will not be a long lay off. You will not go weeks, months or years without hearing from me. Plan on visiting at least weekly or bi-weekly to see and hear my latest musings.

Today’s musing is on the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States of America. I will not venture into my political affiliations nor will I share which party I usually side with but I will say today was a good day. Not only was it a good day for the country but for women and especially women of color who were on display. Michelle Obama wore the hell out of that pants suit [I can do one for you ladies-custom made] and Madam VP Kamala set a trend with the “pearls and chucks”. The brother with the new position ( I can’t remember his name) had a smooth camel hair coat on as he led the first family. Yes, today was a good day. Last but not least, I got up off my derriere and started back. In the words of James Todd Smith (LL Cool J)” Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years…”.

Dress Well,

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